Professor泭Gaia Cottino, instructor of the course "Cultural and Social Dimensions of Food and Eating" will guest edit, together with Dr. Marzia Mauriello, a special issue of the journal泭Anthropology of Food泭on the topic泭Food and Gender: Contemporary Perspectives, Studies, and Researches.

Professor Cottino is informing the Food Studies community about this upcoming issue along with an invitation for contributions.

"This special issue calls for papers that engage with泭Food and Gender泭in a theoretical perspective that takes into account how and to what extent different contexts produce different effects on the vision of food and on the relationship between food, nutrition and the construction of subjectivities. Since the histories of diets are contextual stories sewed by a wide range of social actors, the intertwine of food and gender can be framed in a perspective that includes and embraces the dimension of the self in relation to others, in both material and symbolic sense. Cases such as eating disorders are examples of how the relationship with food is conditioned by a series of factors, and actors, including the vision of the body that is harnessed in far-reaching historical, geographical, and socio-cultural processes."泭

Specific topic areas may include, but are not limited to:

  • Food and gendered body norms/ image泭
  • Food and motherhood/ maternalism (breastfeeding, between nature and culture)泭
  • Food and masculinity (its a [male]chefs world, super-foods)泭
  • Food and gendered spaces泭
  • Food, gender and new styles of consumptions (in urban and rural contexts)泭
  • Food and families (of all kind)泭
  • Street food and gender泭
  • Food, gender, and migration泭
  • Queer vegan and vegan eco-feminism泭
  • Dieting and (other) diets泭
  • Eating disorders泭
  • Food insecurity and gender inequity泭
  • New forms of colonialism and new native food practices in a gender perspective泭
  • Food sovereignty and gender泭
  • Indigenous gendered knowledge on food泭

Further details can be found .